Monday, September 14, 2015

Blog Post #2

MS Word
Throughout my educational career I have used MS mainly for writing papers. Occasionally I have used MS to create a newspaper article or a graph, but for the most part, it was used to write essays. My teachers used MS word for writing out rubrics/instructions for assignments they were giving, but I've also had teachers use it during lectures to show notes on the projector screen. I think MS word is best used for textual projects but it could be used for other things as well. As a teacher I will explore MS word and try and use it for all the ways it can benefit me. For example, I could use MS word to create a visual representation of what the days lesson will be about through graphs, text, pictures, etc.
Copyright and Fair Use
Copyright happens constantly throughout the world. People who create things (like photos, songs, paintings, reviews, etc.) aren't getting proper recognition when others want to use their creations. In school we learn about copyright and how we can avoid it, but it is difficult to avoid it completely. In order to avoid copyright within my classroom, I will make sure to teach my students about fair use and the proper way to cite/give credit for something they may use in their projects that they did not create themselves and give proper consequences to those students who don't.
Twitter is a great tool for teachers to use to connect with students and their parents. After using twitter for a couple of weeks, I feel as if it is a great way to keep in contact with different departments/programs that could be useful to me when I become a teacher. I plan to use twitter as a resource for my students, whether it be to post homework assignments or just share an article that relates to that days lesson. I could give assignments through twitter, make a last minute due date change, post updates on the next days class, let my students know if I'll be missing a day of class, etc. There are so many positive opportunities through the use of Twitter. Twitter will provide me with a way to keep in contact with my students inside and outside of the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Nicole! I really like your ideas about how to use Twitter as a future teacher!
