Monday, October 5, 2015

Blog Post #4

One web based resource my students could use to learn this standard could be some soft of simulation software. The simulation software could involve an interactive map that shows the migrations and distribution of human populations. This software would be best for my student to learn this standard because it would be hands on/interactive. 

Using the internet for student research can be really beneficial if students know the right ways to research. It can be useful for students to gain background information on their topic of research. It can also be useful for students to search for scholarly articles to use for their research. However, internet use for research can be risky because not everything on the internet is correct. In order to surpass this I will make sure my students know how to tell the difference between a credible source and a non credible source. 

In the past I usually ignored the proper ways to search the internet unless I was being fact checked. I would just google what it was I was looking for and use any website that sufficed. I never thought about checking the date it was published to see if it was current. That probably would have been useful for me in the past but now I know to make sure to check for that in the future.

Working on the web hunt assignment I gained the understanding of keywords. By this I mean, adding a keyword into the search bar that indicates what you're searching for. Using the different google sources, like google scholar and google video, also help condense your search and find more valuable resources. 

Web hunt challenge 1: 

Find an informational video that combines graphics and audio on World War I.

Web hunt challenge 2:

Find an some sort of interactive website that will help students gain reading skills. 

1 comment:

  1. You had some great takeaways from the web evaluation information. It is so important to check information on Internet-based resources, especially if you plan to use them in an assignment.
